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02 Jun, 2010
Review of Fear Not in CNQ
Canadian Notes and Queries just came out with issue 78, and a review of Fear Not appears there under the smart-ass and amusing title, Yea, Though I Read Through an Ocean of Cheesy Sub-headings, I Will Fear No Evil. Here’s part of what reviewer Adam Sol says:
“…. by putting flesh on the bones of the biblical passage, Mierau forces us to feel a tinge of resistance that makes the biblical passage at once more meaningful and more troubling. These kinds of pleasures are common in Fear Not, and give the book its consistent energy.”
The review also makes the point that I’m self-indulgently clever at times, although a different review in the same issue skewers the entertaining Alessandro Porco for a level of puerility more extreme than what I’m charged with. I admit it’s all true. And it’s the kind of thoughtful review that every writer hopes for.